Disciples make Disciples
As part of the Great Commission, we're on mission to make Disciples!
We have 4 Level that are developed to help you grow as a Disciple of Jesus and live out your life Obeying His Teachings.

Level 1: Jesus is My Master and I Make Disciples
As believers, we're called to the Great Commission!
Matt 28:19 "Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of ALL nations, BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit."
The question we need to ask ourselves as believers, is, "How am I making a Disciple?"
Our Discipleship Making Class that will be hosted every Tuesday during our Session, will be in room 209. We plan to have these classes running throughout the year during the off-season of Small Groups.
To succeed in this class, you must have 100% attendance for the 4-week class.
What we will be studying:
- Making Jesus your Master.
- How to make a Disciple
Level 2: Holy Spirit
At this Level, you would have completed Discipleship Level 1.
Level 2 is all about the Holy Spirit and how His presence and influence in our mission of making disciples is irreplaceable. Giving us the Holy Spirit is Jesus's plan to help us make disciples.
John 16:12 - 15“I(Jesus) have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when He, the Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit), comes He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will only speak on what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He glorifies Me because it is from Me that He will receive what He will make known to you. All that belongs to Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what He will make known to you.”
Our meetings will be in room 204 every Tuesday during our Sessions @ 7pm. 100% attendance is required before advancing to Level 3.
Make sure your accountability partner is registered!
Level 3: How to Read the Bible
In this level we will learn how to read the Bible, understand the structure of the Bible and even learn how to lead Bible studies with those we are discipling.
Your commitment and hunger for the Lord is opening new doors for you to draw closer to Him and know how to make other disciples.
We will gather in room 203.
100% attendance is required to advance to the Final Level!
Level 4: The Purpose & Plan of the Church
This class deepens your understanding of God’s vision for the Church and your role in fulfilling His mission. While equipping you to embrace your place in the Body of Christ and live out the Church’s purpose with clarity and conviction.
In this level, we explore the biblical foundation and mission of the Church. Then, understand how God’s plan for the Church unfolds through history and impacts the present. Lastly, we learn how to lead others in discovering their purpose within the Church.
Your commitment and hunger for the Lord are paving the way for you to grow as a disciple and disciple-maker, aligning with God’s plan to expand His kingdom through His Church. We’ll be meeting in Room 206.
100% attendance is required to advance to the Final Level!